Electrical Engineering Equipments

Electrical Engineering Equipments are sought for all engineering related operations. They have wide range of applications and simplify the complexities to great extent. These equipment are offered at market leading rates.
This category included manufacturers, exporters, traders, distributors of Digital Testing Measuring Instruments e.g Oscilloscope, Oscillators, Function Generator, DC Regulated Power Supply, VTVM, LCR Meter, Digital Milli Ohm Meter, Digital pH/mV Meter, Digital Frequency Counter, DPM’s for Volt, Amp. & Freq., H.V. Tester, Electronic Training Board, Components & Accessories for Electronic L ab, Calibrators Test & Measuring Instruments, LCR Meters, Voltage Breakdown Tester, Power Measurement Meter, Function Generators, DC Power Supplies, Communication Labs, Decade Boxes, Digital DC Watt Meters, Digital Transformer Ratio Meters, Digital Flow Meters, Digital AH Meters, Digital Ratemeter Totalisers, Digital Temperature Controllers, Digital Humidity Controller, Digital Lux Meter etc.

DC Machine With Loading Arrangement

This is a DC motor with the above specifications. The shaft of this motor is coupled mechanically to a break drum. A belt moving over this break drum provides necessary torque to the shaft of the motor, and in turn loads the shaft with a finite torque. Two calibrated spring balances are connected to either side of the belt, which is moving over the break drum. This is a method to load the shaft of the motor with a loading arrangement. By taking reading on these spring balance readings, the loading value may be calculated.

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    Load Test On A DC Shunt Generator

    Objective: To obtain external characteristics of a dc shunt generator

    Preview:The self excited DC shunt Generator is coupled to a DC motor, which acts as prime mover. Two characteristics are more important. The internal or total characteristic that gives the relation between the emf actually induced in the armature and the armature current. This is of interest mainly to the designer. The external characteristics called performance characteristics (also voltage regulating curve) which give the relation between the terminal voltage and load current. This curve lies below the internal characteristics due to armature drop. This is important in judging the suitability of a generator for a particular purpose. These characteristics can be obtained by a load test with total field resistance remaining fixed as the speed is to be kept constant.


    Equipment Required: All the measuring instruments associated with each experiment are industrial grade. These instruments are housed in an elegant cabinet as a package. Range of instruments and accessories (standard format)


    • 2HP Shunt machines mechanically coupled both are identical 220V 2HP 1500rpm.
    • 3-4 point DC Starter for the above
    • Suitable Loading rheostats
    • Digital tachometer
    • Suitable double tube rheostat
    • Suitable single tube rheostat
    • Suitable digital Voltmeters DC
    • Suitable DC source –Rectifier unit.

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      Phase AC Machine With Loading Arrangement

      This is a 3-phase AC machine. This is mechanically coupled to a breakdrum to provide loading. The shaft of the machine is coupled a drum. In turn the drum is connected to mechanical weighing pan by means of a belt. Rotating the screws provided on either sides of the belt can adjust the belt tension. There by it is possible to load the shaft of the 3-phase motor with a defined tension. The difference in the scale reading, provides the tension, the shaft is subjected to. As a result of this the current in the windings are varied. By noting the readings of the associated meters and the difference in the weighing pan readings, the load characters of the motor can be evaluated.


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        Human Blood Circulatory System (SCS-BL-805)

        This is an AC 3 induction motor. This operates on 415V AC. This squirrel cage induction motor coupled to a 2KW shunt generator.



        • Volts: 415V – 3¢
        • Power: 2.2KW
        • Current : 4.8A
        • RPM: 1440
        • Frame: PM100.


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          Single Phase Transformer

          Single phase double wound copper transformer having primary 230VAC and secondary 115V AC with a rated capacity of 1KVA. The primary and secondary terminals are brought out for conducting laboratory experiment with legend printed for convenience. This is assembled in a powder coated MS metal box.



          • Primary : 230 V AC
          • Secondary with tappings at 86.6% and at 50% of primary voltage.
          • Rated capacity: 1KVA
          • Terminations: Separate 4mm Banana terminals at input and outputs
          • Enclosure: Powder coated MS metal cabinet, with separate screw terminal for earth connection.

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            This is an AC 3 synchronous alternator with, square path, 4 poles, and rotor wound stator excited type. This is screen protected IP22, with drip proof enclosure.



            • Voltage: 415V
            • Amps: 4.2A
            • RPM: 1500
            • KVA-3
            • Rating-CMR
            • Phases-3,Hz-50
            • ENCL-S.P,PF-0.8
            • Extn VOLTS-220
            • Winding-Y
            • Amps-1.4A.

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              Repulsion Motors

              Make Repulsion motor is a single phase motor which has stator winding arranged for connection to source of power and Armature winding connected to commutator and brushes on commutator are short circuited. Brushes are so placed that the magnetic axis of Rotor winding is inclined to magnetic characteristic to change the Direction. Repulsion motor is continuously rated, screen protected, self ventilated machine in E/B class Insulation and confirms
              Capacity : 0.37 / 0.75kw
              Rpm : 2880
              Voltage : 230V Single phase AC 50Hz.

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                Slip Ring Induction Motor

                1. Outer yoke made up of High grade cast iron MS Frame2. High grade silicon stamping Stator with hydraulically pressed3. Suitable copper conductor of best quality used for winding for both Stator and Rotor4. Skewed Rotor construction with dynamically balance ensuring low noise5. Larger size of bearings for longer life and trouble free operations6. Vacuum pressure impregnation for stator & rotor ensuring high insulation strength7. Rotor and brake drum Pulley are Dynamically Balanced8. Gun Metal Slip rings with good quality carbon brushes are used9. All the terminals on terminals Box are properly engraved

                10. Sturdy base frame with heavy duty bolt and also highly accurate dial type spring balance to give proper readings of the machines.  All Slip Ring Induction Motors Confirming to ISS

                11. Ratings: For 3ph, 415Volts, 50Hz. 2H.P to 7.5HP

                12. Starting Methods: Rotor Resistance Starter with no volt and over load protection.

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                  Kilo Watt Meter

                  We are engaged in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of Kilo Watt Meters. These Kilo Watt Meters are manufactured following international industry standards, and assures superb performance. Kilo Watt Meters offered by us are widely used in various heavy industries. These products are widely recommended for their unmatched quality and flawless performance. With the availability in various technical specifications, these Kilo Watt Meters are easily available.Features:

                  • Flawless range
                  • Superb quality
                  • Durability.

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                    Frequency Meter

                    We are engaged in manufacturing and supplying a designer range of Frequency Meters, which are precisely engineered by our expert engineers. We develop these Frequency Meters from high grade raw materials sourced from our certified vendors. With the availability in various technical specifications these Frequency Meters are available in various measurements. Our products are widely used in various industrial and electrical purposes.


                    • Flawless range
                    • Superb quality
                    • Optimum performance


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                      Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

                      1. Outer yoke made up of High grade cast iron frame.2. High grade silicon stamping Stator with hydraulically pressed.3. Dynamically balance dies casted Rotor of High grade Aluminum used.4. Larger size of bearings for longer life and trouble free operations.5. Vacuum pressure impregnation for stator – ensuring high insulation strength.6. All the terminals on terminals Box are properly engraved.7. Brake drum pulley are Dynamically Balanced.

                      8. Sturdy base frame with heavy duty bolt with CP handle and also highly accurate dial type   spring balance to give proper readings of the machines.

                      9. Ratings: For 3ph, 415Volts, 50Hz.

                      0.5H.P to 15HP.10. Ratings: for 1ph 220V, 50Hz.

                      capacitor Start / Run Motor 0.5H.P to 2 HP.

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                        DC Shunt Generator No Load Tests On DC Shunt Generator

                        Open Circuit Test
                        Objective: To obtain the magnetization characteristic and therefore determine the critical field resistance and critical speed of the given dc shunt generator.

                        Preview: The EMF induced in a DC machine is proportional to the flux per pole, the number of conductors and speed. This EMF depends on speed and flux. As the flux increases the EMF increases beyond a point the flux gets saturated. The BH curve of the core depicts the magnetization curve of the machine.

                        (A) Critical Speed of a DC Shunt Generator

                        Objective: To determine the critical speed of a dc shunt generator. With the fixed excitation and variable speed, as the speed reduces the OCC proportionally slides down so that the no load voltage reduces. At a particular speed, called the critical speed, the OCC is tangential to the Rf line and as a result the generator fails to excite.

                        Preview: With the fixed excitation and variable speed, as the speed reduces the OCC proportionally slides down so that the no load voltage reduces. At a particular speed, called the critical speed, the OCC is tangential to the Rf line and as a result the generator fails to excite.


                        Equipment Required: All the measuring instruments associated with each experiment are industrial grade. These instruments are housed in an elegant cabinet as a package. Range of instruments and accessories (standard format)
                        1. 2HP Shunt machines mechanically coupled both are identical 220V 2HP 1500rpm.
                        2. 3-4 point DC Starter for the above
                        3. Suitable Loading rheostat
                        4. Digital tachometer
                        5. Suitable Double tube rheostat
                        6. Suitable Single tube rheostat
                        7. Suitable Digital Voltmeter DC
                        8. Suitable Digital Voltmeter DC
                        9. Suitable Digital Ammeter DC
                        10. Rectifier Unit 0-240V DC @ 1.5KVA with power failure protection.


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                          Iron Clad Electromagnet

                          Demostrate the Force Developed by an Electromagnet with a Single Battery

                          How many of your students can lift 100 times their own weight? This 6.3 cm, 0.9 Kg dissectible electromagnet can do just that-with the help of one 1.5 V D-cell battery that you provide – lifting up to 90 Kg. the core and yoke are precision – tolerated to within .03 mm. The battery is linked by alligator clips to a DC coil.

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                            For investigating magnetic fields and the force between conductorsChoose this large diameter air core solenoid to invetigate the magnetic fields of a long coil or for use with the current balance accessory. The interior diameter of the pheonlic coil former is slightly larger than 50mm so that it also fits over the cathode ray tube of the mass of the electron apparatus. The solenoid is 15 cm long and has 570 turns of enamled #16 niclad copper magnet wire, allowing it to carry 5 A continuously, or 10 a intermittently.

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                              Wercester Circuit Box

                              A Hands-on Introduction to Electrical Basics
                              What is parallel circuit or a series circuit? How does a fuse work? What is a short circuit? Simplify and understand circuit diagrams. Experiment with the theory of electricity utilizing the unique “breadboard”.

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                                Electric Bell

                                This is a simple rugged plastic bell and is ideal for a wide range of experiments. Included sturdy pressed plastic box. Pivoted armature, double coil and nickel plated gong.

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                                   ELECTRICAL MACHINE TRAINER

                                  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

                                  A] Aluminum profile sturdy flat panel (table top) system, carrying various high voltage components   housed in

                                  plastic enclosures (panel) to minimise shock possibility.

                                  DC voltmeter and DC ammeter panel (EMT 6A/B)

                                  (14 Shrouded Banana)

                                  a)  DC voltmeter(0-300V)

                                  b)  DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode

                                  Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel (EMT1)

                                  (10 Shrouded Banana)

                                  c)  Field failure relay to control Armature supply.

                                  SCR   Actuator   (variable   DC)   cum   sensor   signal

                                  4 pole MCB of 415 V/4A .

                                  conditioning panel (EMT9)

                                  (4 Shrouded Banana)

                                  DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A – 2.3A . Integrated AC (3/1 ph.) measurement panel EMT34/EMT 20  Bidirectional optionally with PC interface & multifunction power meter EMT20F [1 ph.]

                                  (14 Shrouded Banana)

                                  Consist of  2 nos of (96x96mm) Digital meters one each for

                                  Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with

                                  linear characteristics.

                                  Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg wt to output 0-2.5Vdc (FS).

                                  3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field and AC generator field.

                                  Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM

                                  3 ph. & 1 ph. Measures V, I, PF(0.2 lag  unity  0.2 lead), Hz.

                                  panel (EMT 8)

                                  (10 Shrouded Banana)

                                  Hence separate analog wattmeters ( 3ph., 1ph.) are not needed.

                                  Current specs for 3 ph. meter =   5A (Balanced load) and

                                  1A/5A for 1ph. meter (170-250V).

                                  FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel (EMT 4)

                                  (12 Shrouded Banana) FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V.

                                  3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel (EMT 5A/B)

                                  (8 Shrouded Banana)

                                  Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 15E, 21E, 30E each –

                                  3 Nos.

                                  Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole. 6 Way .6A/440 V. DC Rotor excitation over current relay (3Amp)

                                  1 ph. Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel (EMT 16)

                                  (14 Shrouded Banana)

                                  1 ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each.

                                  2 no. 2P2W selector switches to run as 1ph. alternator then as synchronous motor.

                                  8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch.

                                  (a)+12 V, 500 mA (b)+5V, 300mA (c) Unregulated 17VDC

                                  /750 mA  (d) line synchronizing signal. (e) 13V / 3 Amp. (f) Multi channel DPM for digital display of torque, speed etc. Resistor Load (EMT14A/B)

                                  (1) AC Resistors =10K/5K/3.5K/2.5K/2K/1.5K/OFF

                                  200W x 3 phases/ 6 taps

                                  (2) DC Resistors = 750E/600E/300E/212E/162E/ 125E/

                                  112E/100E/400W /8 taps + OFF +

                                  separate 60E tap for DC series Gen.

                                  LC Load (EMT 15A/B) panel

                                  (A)Inductive load = 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/

                                  1.5H/3H/400mA X 3Nos.

                                  (B)Capacitive load =1.25u /2.5u/5u/415VX 3Nos

                                  (C) Variable AC & DC Supply Panel (EMT23) (8 banana)

                                  Variable OP AC/270V/3A

                                  Variable OP DC/250V/3A

                                  Mechanical Dimension(mm): 1170(L) x300(W) x990(H)

                                  Net Weight : 56 kg

                                  Optional Accessories:

                                  (1) Hand held non contact Digital tachometer

                                  (2) Analog AC voltmeter (EMT2) and dual range Ammeter


                                  (3) EMT34  bidirectional  power  meter  &  analyser  with

                                  RS232C /RS485

                                  (4) 3 ph. sequence indicator cum protection panel (P30)

                                  5) 1ph.    ph. variac 3 Amp. rating