
Standard Microscope (SCS-MS-2101)

Body : Well designed heavy & sturdy die casted monocular body inclined to 90o suitable to meet the needs of college and school students. Main features of the Microscope are :1. Tube with mechanical tube length 160mm with triple revolving nose piece.
2. Seperate coarse & fine adjustment.
3. Square stage with clips for holding the slides.
4. Double lens bright field ABBE condenser NA 1.25 is fixed with the stage with iris diaphragm and swing out filter holder.
5. Illumination by plano concave mirror.
6. Optical combination.
7. Antifungal Objectives : 10x, 45x (SL).
8. Eye pieces : 10x, 15x (Huygenian).

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    Student & Medical Microscope (SCS-MS-2102)


    • Stand : Stable & Robust, traditional Horse Shoe base body. Body inclinable through 900, Standard tube length of 160 mm.
      Focusing : Separate coarse and fine focusing knobs with graduation on one side. Coarse movement by Rack & Pinion and Fine movement by Screw Lever


    • Nosepiece : Quadruple Revolving Nosepiece is provided with positive click stop for proper centering
      STAGE : Fixed Stage size 125X125mm with detachable mechanical stage for X and movement of slide up to 25 X 75mm with graduated scales and verniers
      Illumination : illumination through a 50mm diameter planoconcave mirror mounted o gimbal mount


    Three Achromatic Objectives : 10 X 40 X (SL) & 100 X (SL) Oil immersion

    • Eyepieces : Two Huygenian Eyepieces : 6X & 10 X
      Condensor : Sub Stage Abbe condenser with N.A. 1.25 moves up and down by rack & pinion. Irs diapharagm and filter holder are mounted with the condenser.
      Safety Device

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      MED Star Junior D/D (SCS-MS-2103)

      • Stable & Robust, traditional Horse shoe base
      • Huygenian eyepiece 6x, 10x or 15x (any two)
      • Body inclinable through 90°, Tube Length 160mm
      • Triple nosepiece
      • A1 series Achromatic objectives 10x, 40x (SL)
      • Fixed Stage size 125 x 125mm with stage clips to hold the slide
      • Fixed condenser N.A 0.65, aperture selection through a Disc Diaphragm turret
      • Seperate coarse and fine focusing knobs. Coarse movement by Rack & Pinion and fine movement by screw lever mechanism
      • Illumination system Plano concave reflector mirror mounted on gimbal mount

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        MED Star Junior R/P (SCS-MS-2104)

        • Stable & Robust, traditional Horse shoe base
        • Huygenian eyepiece 6x, 10x or 15x (any two)
        • Body inclinable through 90°, Tube Length 160mm
        • Triple nosepiece
        • A1 series Achromatic objectives 10x, 40x (SL)
        • Fixed Stage size 125 x 125mm with stage clips to hold the slide
        • Moveable Sub Stage Abbe condense with N.A. 1.25.Iris diaphragm and Blue Day Light Filter in swing out holder
        • Seperate coarse and fine focusing knobs. Coarse movement by Rack & Pinion and fine movement by screw lever mechanism
        • Illumination system Plano concave reflector mirror mounted on gimbal mount

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          MED Star Senior (SCS-MS-2105)

          • Stable & Robust, traditional Horse shoe base
          • Huygenian eyepiece 6x, 10x or 15x (any two)
          • Body inclinable through 90°, Tube Length 160mm
          • Quadruple Revolving nosepiece
          • A1 series Achromatic objectives 10x, 40x (SL) & 100x (SL, OIL)
          • Fixed Stage size 125 x 125mm with with detachable mechanical stage for X and Y movement of slide up to 25 x 75 mm with graduated scales and verniers
          • Moveable Sub Stage Abbe condense with N.A. 1.25. Iris diaphragm and Blue Day Light Filter in swing out holder
          • Seperate coarse and fine focusing knobs. Coarse movement by Rack & Pinion and fine movement by screw lever mechanism
          • Illumination system Plano concave reflector mirror mounted on gimbal mount
          • Accessoris:Externel illuminator, Wide File 10x Eyepiece,Pointer,Eyepiece,Wooden cabinet with lockand key and Camera Lucida

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            Bio-Plus Microscope (SCS-MS-2106)

            EYEPIECES : High quality paired eyepieces 10 x (standard), 15 x (optional) extra wide field, high eye reliet type.
            Mangnification Field Diameter Eyepoint
            10 x WF (Imported Glass) 18.0mm 25.0mm
            15 x WF 13.0mm 12.0mm
            Objective : Choice of partocal, parcentered, Semi Plan (SP), Achromatic objectives in magnification range, 4x, 10 x and retractable 40 x and 100x oil.
            Objective Type Magnification N.A Working Distance
            Achromatic 4x 0.10 8.00mm
            Semi Plan (SP) 10x 0.25 2.00mm
            (Imported Glass) 40x Spring 0.65 0.14mm
            Terms describing the optical features of microscope
            Total Magnification : Total magnification of a microscope is the individual magnifying power of the objective multiplied by that of the eyepieces.

            Numerical Aperture (N.A) : One of the important factors determining the efficiency of condenser and objectives. it is represented by the formula. ( N.A. = n sin a )

            Where n is the retractive index of a medium and ‘a’ is half of the maximum angle at which the light rays enter or leave the lens from or to a focussecd object point on the optical axis.

            Working Distance : Clearance between the from of the objective and the upper surface of the cover glass when the image of a specimen is brought into sharp focus. Generally, the higher the magnifying power of the objective, the shorter the working distance.

            Field Diameter : Diameter (MM) of the field of view which can be observed through the eyepiece. Indication 10x on the top of the eyepiece shows that eyepiece magnification is 10x.

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              COAX 10B (SCS-MS-2107)

              Sturdy, stable stand with plastic handrest,Anti Fungus treated
              Binocular tube , 45oinclined,360orotatable
              Wide field eyepiece HKW 10x paired
              Quadruple nosepiece (ball bearing type)
              VA series DIN semi plan achromatic objectives 4x,10x,40x(spring loaded) and 100x (spring loaded,oil immersion)
              Stage rectangular 142×122 mm with mechanical stage cross travel 75×50 mm with co-axial control
              Movable stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aserphic lens. Iris diaphragm & special day light blue filter in swing out filter holder
              Seperate coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
              Co-axail coarse and fine focusing mechianism with tension control
              illumination systeam 6v-20w Halogen with intensity control
              Accessories : Plano Concave Reflector Mirror,Pointer Eyepiece,Wooden cabinet with lock andkey

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                Bio XL (SCS-MS-2108)

                C shape corrosion resistant stand with convenient location of focus controls, Anti Fungus Treated Monocular, Dual view tubes,45° inclined, 360° rotatable Wide Field eyepiece WF 10x/18mm paired with pointer .Optional wF 15x/16mm,WF20x/12mm
                Quintuple Nosepiece (Ball bearing type)
                BJ series DIN Semi Plan Achromatic objectives 4x, 10x, 40x (Spring loaded).Optional 20x (SL), 60x ( SL) & 100x ( SL, Oil)
                Stage rectangular 142 x 133mm double plate with mechanical stage cross travel 75 x 50mm on ball bearing with co-axial control, Spring clip
                Moveable Sub-stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aspheric lens. Iris diaphragm and special day light blue filter in swing out filter holder
                Co-axial coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
                Detachable illumination system 6V-20W Halogen with intensity control
                Accessories : Plano Concave Reflector Mirror,Phase Contrast Kit,Dark kit field, Green Filter, Polarizing Kit,Fluorescent Attachment,Video Adapter, Photo Adapters for CCD Camera and Digital Camera

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                  KL10 M-D-B (SCS-MS-2109)

                  • Sturdy, stable stand,Anti Fungus treated
                  • Mono/Binocular tube , 45oinclined,360orotatable
                  • Wide field eyepiece HKW 10X
                  • Quadruple nosepiece (ball bearing type)
                  • VA series Achromatic objectives 4X,10X & 40X (spring loaded) and 100X (spring loaded,oil immersion)
                  • Stage rectangular 142×122 mm with mechanical stage cross travel 175×50 mm with co-axial control
                  • Movable stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aserphic lens. Iris diaphragm & special day light blue filter in swing out filter holder
                  • Seperate coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
                  • Illumination system: 6v-20W Halogen with intensity control (For KL10M & KL10B)
                  • Accessories : Plano Concave Reflector Mirror, Pointer Eyepiece,Wooden cabinet with Lockandkey

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                    Splendour (SCS-MS-2110)

                    • C shape corrosion resistant stand with convenient location of focus controls, Anti Fungus Treated
                    • Binocular or Trinocular tube, 45° inclined, 360° rotatable, IPD 55-75 mm with Dioptric adjustment on left ocular
                    • Wide Field eyepiece WF 10x/18mm paired . Optional WF 15x/16mm, WF 20x/12mm
                    • Quintuple Nosepiece (Ball bearing type)
                    • BJ series DIN Semi Plan Achromatic objectives 4x, 10x, 40x (Spring loaded) and 100x (Spring loaded), Oil immersion. Optional BJ Series DIN Semi Plan 20x (SL), 60x ( SL), FP Series Plan Din 4x, 10x, 20x (SL), 40x (SL), 60x (SL) & 100x ( SL, Oil)
                    • Stage rectangular 142 x 133mm double plate with mechanical stage cross travel 75 x 50mm on ball bearing with co-axial control, Spring clip
                    • Moveable Sub-stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aspheric lens. Iris diaphragm and special day light blue filter
                    • Co-axial coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
                    • Detachable illumination system 6V-20W Halogen with intensity control
                    • Accessories : Plano Concave Reflector Mirror, Phase Contrast Kit, Dark Field Kit, Green Filter,Polarizing Kit,Video Adapter For CCD Camera and Digital Still Camera

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                      Splendour(M) (SCS-MS-2111)

                      • C shape corrosion resistant stand with convenient location of focus controls, Anti Fungus Treated
                      • Monocular, Dual view tubes,45° inclined, 360° rotatable
                      • Wide Field eyepiece WF 10x/18mm paired with pointer .Optional wF 15x/16mm,WF20x/12mm
                      • Quintuple Nosepiece (Ball bearing type)
                      • BJ series DIN Semi Plan Achromatic objectives 4x, 10x, 40x (Spring loaded).Optional 20x (SL), 60x ( SL) & 100x ( SL, Oil)
                      • Stage rectangular 142 x 133mm double plate with mechanical stage cross travel 75 x 50mm on ball bearing with co-axial control, Spring clip
                      • Moveable Sub-stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aspheric lens. Iris diaphragm and special day light blue filter in swing out filter holder
                      • Co-axial coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
                      • Detachable illumination system 6V-20W Halogen with intensity control
                      • Accessories : Plano Concave Reflector Mirror,Phase Contrast Kit,Dark kit field, Green Filter, Polarizing Kit, Photo Adapters for CCD Camera and Digital Camera

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                        AX 21 (SCS-MS-2112)

                        • Infinity Optical System (IOS), Plan Achromatic
                        • C shape corrosion resistant stand with convenient location of focus controls, Anti Fungus Treated
                        • Siedentopf Binocular or Trinocular tube, 30° inclined, 360° rotatable, IPD 55-75 mm, with Dioptric adjustment on left ocular
                        • Wide Field eyepiece WF 10x/18mm paired with eye guards. Optional WF 15x/16mm, WF 20x/12mm
                        • Quintuple Nosepiece (Ball bearing type)
                        • IP series Infinity DIN PLAN Achromatic objectives 4x, 10x, 40x (Spring loaded) and 100x (Spring loaded), Oil immersion. Optional IP Series Infinity DIN Plan 20x (SL)
                        • Stage rectangular 142 x 133mm with double plate mechanical stage cross travel 75 x 50mm on ball bearing with co-axial control, Spring clip
                        • Moveable Sub-stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aspheric lens. Iris diaphragm and special day light blue filter in swing out filter holder
                        • Co-axial coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
                        • Koehler illumination system 6V-20W Halogen with intensity control

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                          AXR 31 (SCS-MS-2113)

                          • Infinity Optical System (IOS), Plan Achromatic
                          • C shape corrosion resistant stand with convenient location of focus controls, Anti Fungus Treated
                          • Siedentopf Binocular or Trinocular tube, 30° inclined, 360° rotatable, IPD 55-75mm, with Dioptric adjustment on left ocular
                          • Wide Field eyepiece WF 10x/22mm paired with eye guards. Optional WF 15x/16mm, WF 20x/12mm
                          • Quintuple Reverse angle nosepiece (Ball bearing type)
                          • IP series Infinity DIN PLAN Achromatic objectives 4x,10x, 40x (Spring loaded) and 100x (Spring loaded), Oil immersion. Optional IP series Infinity Din Plan 20x (SL), 60x (SL)
                          • Stage rectangular 180 x 148mm double plate with mechanical stage cross travel 76 x 50mm on ball bearing with co-axial control, Spring clip Double Slide Holder
                          • Moveable Sub-stage ABBE condenser centerable NA 1.25 with aspheric lens. Iris diaphragm and special day light blue filter in swing out filter holder
                          • Co-axial coarse fine focusing with tension control and refocus lock
                          • Koehler Illumination system 6V-20W Halogen with intensity control
                          • Accessories : Dark Field Kit, Phase Contrast Attachment, Green Filter,Polarizing Kit,Photo Adapter For CCD Camera and Digital Still Camera,Fluorescence Attachment,Soft carrying case

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                            FE PRO-900 (SCS-MS-2114)

                            • Sturdy Shaped, corrosion resistant, anti mould treated stand & practical inverted design
                            • 45oinclined Trinocular Observation Head, with interpupillary & dioptric adjustments & provision for adapting microphotography & projection system
                            • HKW 10x, wide field 15x(paired), Anti mould treated
                            • Quintuple revolving nosepiece, with rubber grip
                            • MWD Series, True color, long workinh distance parfocal achromatic objectives M10x,M20x,M40x & M80x, Anti mould treated
                            • Large size mechanical stage with low drive co-axial movement controls, for convenient specimen scanning
                            • Ergonomi low position co-axial and fine focusing system on ball bearing guideways
                            • EPI-illumination system 6v-20w Halogen with intensity control,powered through inbuilt solid state transformer 220v, 50Hz, AC supply with on/off switch
                            • Accessories : Dual viewing attachment, Video projection system,Image Analysis Software, Various Measurement Graticual

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                              IXL40 (FL) (SCS-MS-2115)

                              • infinity Optical system(IOS)
                              • Phase plan achromatic (positive phase)
                              • Ergonomically designed sturdy stand, Anti fungus treated
                              • Sledentopf trinocular,30oinclined,360orotatable, IPD 55-75mm with Dioptric adjustment on left ocular
                              • Wide field eyepiece WF 10x/20mm paired with eye guards
                              • Quintuple Reverse angle nosepiece (ball bearing type)
                              • IX Series LWD DIN plan True Color Achromatic Fluoroscence objectives 5x/NA 0.12,10x/NA0.25,25x/NA 0.40,40x/NA 0.60
                              • IX Series LWD DIN plan Achromatic Phase objectives 10x/NA 0.25,25x/NA0.25,25x/NA 0.40,40x/NA 0.60(Positive Phase)
                              • Fixed plain stage with movement range 112mm x 79mm. Long working distance condenser, suitable for phase contrast /Bf with phase contrat rotating turret , working distance 55mm & phase telescope
                              • EPI-Illumination: Fluoroscent Illumination: Fluorscent lighting method – reflective fluroscent lighting based on slide switching of dichroic mirror cubes
                              • Excitation filter : UV(ultravoilet),V(voilet),B(blue) and G(green)
                              • High Pressure Mercury Blib: HBO100W/DC
                              • Co-axial coarse fine focusing with tension control and refocuslock
                              • Voltage Transmitted illumination system 6v-30w Halogen with intensity control
                              • Accessories : Image Capture Module with Image Analysis Software


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                                Dgsoft ProMAT v 4.06 (SCS-MS-2116)

                                • Capturing: Still, Audio/video, Multifocus, Mosaic, Auto Still & Video(with present intervals)
                                • Image Processing: Brightness, Contrast, RGB, Invert, Grey Scale, Zoom 500%, Rotate 90o and 180o
                                • Image Editing: Cut, Copy & Paste; crop, duplicate, restore, Resize, Compression, Grid creation: 5×5,10×10,100×100 grids(or cells).
                                • View: Zoom in/out, preview, rotation at 90,180,270 or custom, image flipping, horizontal/vertical axis, Intensity Histogram,Redo/Undo
                                • Inage Manipulation: combine multiple pictures, compare, mosaic, engrave, emboss
                                • Immage Annotations: Text on image, Marker, Line, Circle, Free Hand, Sketch, Print Out (English & Arabic)
                                • Image Database: Image Gallery, Binder File, Report, E-mail, Conversion to other format BMP,JPG,TIF,PNG,GIF & PSD,Export to MS-Office or Excel
                                • Image Measurement: Length, Area, Radius, Angle, Perimeter, Circumference
                                • Count & Classification, Thresh hold particle measurement and Morphometery
                                • Nodules,Porositiy,Coating thickness,Decarburisation and Grain size.
                                • System Requirement : Pentium IV Or Higher 512MB RAM,100MB HDD space, USB v2.0,Window /2000/ME /XP;CD-ROM drive

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                                  DG CAM1000 (SCS-MS-2117)

                                  • Digital Camera Module
                                  • Specification:
                                  • 1/3 color CCD sensor
                                  • Effective pixels 795(H) x 596(V)
                                  • Still image resolution 720×576 pixels(PAL), 720×480(NTSC)
                                  • Scanning system : upto 25fps at 720×576 for PAL ,30fps at 720×480 for NTSC
                                  • Data Transfer: 7.5 MB/Second
                                  • Minimum Illumination: 0.8lux, f1.25600 K with C mount, Automatic shutter, Automatic white balance
                                  • Output: USBv2.0, s-video and composite video output
                                  • Operating system: Windows 2000 & XP
                                  • In-built signal converter from analog to digital
                                  • Imaging software dgsoft proMED version 5.06 for image capturing, processing, measurement image amalgamation, Features include image editing, view, image processing, filters, custom reports, time lapse, capturing etc..
                                  • Packed in cardboard box with adapter, USB cable and opeation manual

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                                    AZM 100 (SCS-MS-2118)

                                    • Dual light stable stand with ball bearing focusing controls.optional stands with fluoroscent lights, Boom stand, Bonder arm,Double bonder arm
                                    • Binocular/Trinoular Tubes, 45oinclined,360orotatable,IPD 48-75mm , with Dioptric adjustment on both oculars
                                    • Wide field eyepiece 10x/23mm paired
                                    • Continuous Zoom ratio: 1:9.2
                                    • Magnification: 6.5x-60x(with 10x eyepieces)
                                    • Built-in illumination system 6v-15W Halogen Reflector Type,incident light & sub stage 5w Fluoroscent transmitted light
                                    • Auxillary ObjectivesL: 0.5x,1.5x & 2.0x (optional)
                                    • Accessories: Darkfield attachment, Polarizing kit, Ring Light ,Fiber opticillumination, Goose neck Dual Fiber optic light ,Adapter for CCD Camera, Adapter for Digital Camera

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                                      AZM 60 (SCS-MS-2119)

                                      • C shape corrosion resistant stand with convenient location of focus controls, Anti Fungus Treated
                                      • Binocular or Trinocular tube, 45° inclined, 360° rotatable, IPD 55-75 mm with Dioptric adjustment on left ocular
                                      • Wide Field eyepiece WF 10x/18mm paired . Optional WF 15x/16mm, WF 20x/12mm
                                      • Quintuple Nosepiece (Ball bearing type)
                                      • BJ series DIN Semi Plan Achromatic objectives 4x, 10x, 40x (Spring loaded) and 100x (Spring loaded), Oil immersion. Optional BJ Series DIN Semi Plan 20x (SL), 60x ( SL), FP Series Plan Din 4x, 10x, 20x (SL), 40x (SL), 60x (SL) & 100x ( SL, Oil)
                                      • Stage rectangular 142 x 133mm double plate with mechanical stage cross travel 75 x 50mm on ball bearing with co-axial control, Spring clip
                                      • Moveable Sub-stage ABBE condenser NA 1.25 with aspheric lens. Iris diaphragm and special day light blue filter
                                      • Co-axial coarse and fine focusing mechanism with tension control
                                      • Detachable illumination system 6V-20W Halogen with intensity control
                                      • Accessories : Plano Concave Reflector Mirror, Phase Contrast Kit, Dark Field Kit, Green Filter,Polarizing Kit,Video Adapter For CCD Camera and Digital Still Camera

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                                        DGZ 60 (SCS-MS-2120)

                                        • Dual light stable stand with ball bearing stable focusing controls
                                        • Trinocular Tube,45o inclined, 360o rotatable, IPD 55-75mm with built-in camera with digitizer
                                        • Wide field eyepiece WF 10x/20mm paired
                                        • Contyinuous Zoom ratio: 1:6.4
                                        • Built-in Illumination system 12v-15w Halogen Reflector Type, incident light and sub-stage 12v-7w Fluroscent transmitted light
                                        • 1/3 color CCD sensor
                                        • Effective pixels 795(H) x 596(V)
                                        • Scanning system : upto 25fps at 720×576 for PAL ,30fps at 720×480 for NTSC
                                        • Data Transfer: 7.5 MB/Second
                                        • Minimum Illumination: 0.8lux, f1.25600 K
                                        • In-built signal converter from Analog to Digital
                                        • Output: USBv2.0, s-video and composite video output
                                        • Imaging software dgsoft proMED version 5.06 for image capturing, processing, measurement image amalgamation. Features include image editing, view, image processing, Filter Custam Report, Time Lapse, Capturizing etc.
                                        • Accessories : Darkfiled atttachment, Polarizing Kit, Ring Light,Fiber Optic illumination, Goose neck Dual Fiber Optic Light ,Softcarrying case

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                                          IXL40 (SCS-MS-2121)

                                          • Infinity Optical system(IOS)
                                          • Phase plan achromatic (positive phase)
                                          • Ergonomically designed sturdy stand, Anti fungus treated
                                          • Sledentopf trinocular,30oinclined,360orotatable, IPD 55-75mm with Dioptric adjustment on left ocular
                                          • Wide field eyepiece WF 10x/20mm paired with eye guards
                                          • Quintuple Reverse angle nosepiece (ball bearing type)
                                          • IX Series LWD DIN plan achromatic phase objectives 10x/NA 0.25,25x/NA 0.40,40x/NA 0.60(positive phase)
                                          • Fixed plain stage with movement range 112mm x 79mm
                                          • Long working distance condenser, suitable for phase contrast rotating turret , working distance 55mm & phase telescope
                                          • Specimen holders include 35mm petri dish holder & two dish / sample holdeers
                                          • Co-axial coarse fine focusing with tension control and refocus lock


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