A] Aluminum profile sturdy flat panel (table top) system, carrying various high voltage components housed in
plastic enclosures (panel) to minimise shock possibility.
DC voltmeter and DC ammeter panel (EMT 6A/B)
(14 Shrouded Banana)
a) DC voltmeter(0-300V)
b) DC Ammeter (0-5A) with polarity protection diode
Input 3 phase DOL Starter panel (EMT1)
(10 Shrouded Banana)
c) Field failure relay to control Armature supply.
SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum sensor signal
4 pole MCB of 415 V/4A .
conditioning panel (EMT9)
(4 Shrouded Banana)
DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A – 2.3A . Integrated AC (3/1 ph.) measurement panel EMT34/EMT 20 Bidirectional optionally with PC interface & multifunction power meter EMT20F [1 ph.]
(14 Shrouded Banana)
Consist of 2 nos of (96x96mm) Digital meters one each for
Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with
linear characteristics.
Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg wt to output 0-2.5Vdc (FS).
3 Nos. of these supplies required for DC Armature, DC motor field and AC generator field.
Instrumentation Power supply cum Multichannel DPM
3 ph. & 1 ph. Measures V, I, PF(0.2 lag unity 0.2 lead), Hz.
panel (EMT 8)
(10 Shrouded Banana)
Hence separate analog wattmeters ( 3ph., 1ph.) are not needed.
Current specs for 3 ph. meter = 5A (Balanced load) and
1A/5A for 1ph. meter (170-250V).
FWD/REV, Star-Delta starter panel (EMT 4)
(12 Shrouded Banana) FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440V. Star/Delta switch 3 pole, 3 way with centre OFF, 6A/440V.
3 Phase wound Rotor & Sync. Motor panel (EMT 5A/B)
(8 Shrouded Banana)
Rotor resistors of 30E/5A with 3 taps of 15E, 21E, 30E each –
3 Nos.
Rotor resistor selector switch, 3 pole. 6 Way .6A/440 V. DC Rotor excitation over current relay (3Amp)
1 ph. Motor, Alternator & Sync. Motor Panel (EMT 16)
(14 Shrouded Banana)
1 ph. MCBs of 4A/1.6A 1 each.
2 no. 2P2W selector switches to run as 1ph. alternator then as synchronous motor.
8A pushbutton switch to simulate as centrifugal switch.
(a)+12 V, 500 mA (b)+5V, 300mA (c) Unregulated 17VDC
/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal. (e) 13V / 3 Amp. (f) Multi channel DPM for digital display of torque, speed etc. Resistor Load (EMT14A/B)
(1) AC Resistors =10K/5K/3.5K/2.5K/2K/1.5K/OFF
200W x 3 phases/ 6 taps
(2) DC Resistors = 750E/600E/300E/212E/162E/ 125E/
112E/100E/400W /8 taps + OFF +
separate 60E tap for DC series Gen.
LC Load (EMT 15A/B) panel
(A)Inductive load = 0.15H/0.3H/0.45H/0.6H/0.75H/
1.5H/3H/400mA X 3Nos.
(B)Capacitive load =1.25u /2.5u/5u/415VX 3Nos
(C) Variable AC & DC Supply Panel (EMT23) (8 banana)
• Variable OP AC/270V/3A
• Variable OP DC/250V/3A
Mechanical Dimension(mm): 1170(L) x300(W) x990(H)
Net Weight : 56 kg
Optional Accessories:
(1) Hand held non contact Digital tachometer
(2) Analog AC voltmeter (EMT2) and dual range Ammeter
(3) EMT34 bidirectional power meter & analyser with
RS232C /RS485
(4) 3 ph. sequence indicator cum protection panel (P30)
5) 1ph. ph. variac 3 Amp. rating |