- Physics Apparatus
- Radar And Sattellite
- Chemistry Apparatus
- Pathology & Laboratory Equipments
- Biological Equipments & Models
- Laboratory Glassware
- Microscope
- Engineering Equipments
- Mechanical Engineering Equipments
- Civil Engineering Equipments
- Cement and Concrete Testing Equipments
- Safety – Security Equipments and Devices
- Bitumen-Asphalt Testing Equipments
- Transportation Engineering Testing Equipments
- Surveying Instruments and Accessories
- Measuring Instruments and Tools
- Analytical Testing Instruments
- Water Testing Environmental Engineering Lab
- Civil Engineering Model and Chart
- Electronics Engineering Instruments
- Electrical Engineering Equipments
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About Us
Company Profile
Company Profile
Scientific Solutions is one of the leading organisation engaged in the Research, Development Production and Distribution of Highly Precise Lab Equipments.
Equipments, Instruments and Accessories from its multi -locations manufacturing facilities with Head Quarters in Ambala(India).Since our inception in 2000’s we are catering to the needs of Indian as well as international customers with our Quality Products as per customers Designes-Specifications and Recommendation and due to consistent urge for Quality and Quality Products.
Today we are Exports of our Products Directly and Indirectly & many of our products ranges are market leaders in indian markets due to quality competitive price tags timely deliveries international acceptable packing and above all this after sales & services few of them are porcelain, ceramics and silica ware, metal ware, and lab accessories, optical lab equipment, general labware, digital lab equipment, optical lab equipment, lab glassware, industrial thermometers, scientific and laboartory equipments.
Our Scientific Equipments are popular and are meant for Academic and Research Institutes as well as Industrial feternity. And are extensively used in School, Degree Colleges, Medical and Engineering collegs, Research Institutes, Hospitals Polytechnics, ITI’s and Industries like Pharmaceuticals- Food Processing, Cement, Chemicals, Breweries, Sugar Paper and Field testing Lab of Aggregate- Bitumen Soil – Sand – Rock and Water etc.