Electronics Engineering Instruments

We have well established name in making of Engineering Electronic Instruments. These instruments precisely measure and offer amazing accuracy. There are reflex klyston microwave test bench, electronic instruments and voltage doubler which are covered under electronic instruments which are offered at market leading rates.

We are expert in offering our gamut of Electrical & Electronic Instruments that are widely catered in domestic and International marketplace at optimum cost. In addition to it, we are also providing customized solutions to our clients as per their requirements.

Our some of electrical & Electronic instruments are Ph meter, Ph conductivity & Temperature meter, Water & soil analysis kit, Double beam UV VIS spectrophotometer, Single beam UV VIS spectrophotometer, Microprocessor UV VIS spectrophotometer, Digital UV VIS spectrophotometer, UV Spectrophotometer, Spectrophotometer, Double beam spectrophotometer, VIS spectrophotometer, Microprocessor VIS spectrophotometer, Filter Photo calorimeter 8 filter, Filter Photo calorimeter 5 filter, Colony Counter, Auto karl fischer titrimeter, Turbidity meter, Digital Nephelo meter, Digital Conductivity meter, TDS meter, Salinity Meter, Dissolved Oxygen meter, Digital Flame Photometer, Microprocessor Ph meter, Microprocessor water & soil analysis apparatus, Oscillator, Function generator, Digital trainer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Galvanometer, Automatic transformer, Battery charger, Battery eliminators, Conductivity bridge, Digital Multimeter, Digital Lux meter, Digital Anemometer, Digital Potentimeter, Diode valve characteristics apparatus, PN junction diode, Shunts, Regulated power supply, PNP transistor, Logic gates experiment, Michalsons Interferometer, UJT Characteristics Apparatus, Bread Board, Zener Diode, Step Down Transformer, Photo Cell Characterstics Apparatus,Conversion of Galvannometer into Voltmeter, Clipping & Clamping Circuits Apparatus,E/M by Thomson Method, Analog to Digital Convertor, Digital to Analog Convertor etc.

Reflex Klyston Microwave Test Bench

Reflex Klyston Microwave Test BenchExperiments:


  • To Study the Characteristic of Reflex Klyston.
  • To Study the frequency, guide wavelength & free space wave length.
  • To measure SWR & reflection co- efficient.
  • To measure impedance of a load.


Test Bench Specifications:

Component  Name Qty.
Klystron power supply 1
Klystron Tube 1
Frequency Meter 1
Slotted Section 1
Detector Mount 1
Matched Termination 1
Wave Guide Stands 1
BNC Cable 1
Fixed Short 1
Klystron Mount 1
Isolator 1
Variable Attenuator 1
Tunable Probe 1
Movable Short 1
VSWR Meter Solid State 1
SS Tuner 1
Cooling Fan 1

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Voltage Doubler & Tripler Circuit


  • To study Voltage multiplication using Diodes. Resistance & capacitors.


  • Instruments  comprises of AC Power
  • Supply with output selectable using band switch
  • Circuit diagram of Doubler and Tripler Printed
  • components mounted on the front panel.

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Study Of Microwave Component

Study of  Microwave Component(Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Isolator, Circulator)



  • To study Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Isolators & Circulators.
  • To measure characteristics of detector diode.
  • To study attenuation measurements.
  • To study the return loss measurements.


Component  Name Qty.
Klystron power supply 1
Klystron Tube 1
Frequency Meter 1
Fixed Attenuator 3,6,10db 3
Detector Mount 1
Slotted Section 1
VSWR Meter Solid State 1
S S Tunner 1
Cooling Fan 1
MHD Coupler 3,10,20db 3
E-Plane Tee 1
Klystron Mount 1
Isolator 1
Variable Attenuator 1
Magic Tee 1
Movable Short 1
Tunable Probe 1
Stands 4
BNC Cable 1
Matched termination 1
Cirulator 1
H-Plane Tee 1

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Human Body (Torso) (SCS-BL-801)

To Measure the Polar Pattern of the Antenna


To measure the polar pattern &  gain of the antennas (Pyramidal horn. Pick up horn, slotted horn, Dielectric horn, sectorial horn & parabolic disc).

Components Name    Qty.    
Klystron Power Supply 1 Klystron Mount 1
Klystron Tube 1 Isolator 1
Frequency Meter 1 Variable Attenuator 1
Radiation Pattern turn table 1 Standard gain horn 2
Detector mount 1 Cooling fan 1
VSWR meter solid state 1 Sectoral horn-E-plane 1
Sectoral horn-H-plane 1 Parabolic disc 1
Coaxial to W/G adopter 1 Twist 1
Moveable Short Precision 1 Stand 4
Bends 2 Tripod Stand 1
BNC Cable 1  

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